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Michelle Y. Bess

Michelle Bess always aspired to be a leader and role model. Through Act Six, Michelle got her first glimpse at the kind of impact to be found in radical inclusion. Today, she serves as vice president of talent and diversity, equity and inclusion at a…
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Christian Paige

Poet. Speaker. Educator. Act Six alum Christian Paige is an Emmy-nominated poet, passionate keynote speaker, and an equity consultant who ignites scholars and leaders to use their voices powerfully. He is an unapologetic truth teller who uses his artistic expression to empower individuals and communities.…
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L. Denice Randle

Upon graduating from Whitworth University as an Act Six scholar, L. Denice Randle committed herself to fighting for educational equity. Since then, she’s charted a career in education that uniquely equipped her for her current role as executive director at Peace Community Center, a nonprofit…

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*Important Act Six Update*Read the Press Release